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Item Number Title Description
CPSC-348 4 Quarters of Football Helmet Safety (English/Spanish Combined version) Helmet safety and head injury guidelines in football.
CPSC-350 6" Beach ball promoting Pool Safely initiative 6" Beach ball promoting Pool Safely initiative
CPSC-364 Consumer Pool Safely Tip Cards Consumer Pool Safely Tip Cards
CPSC-369 Pool Safely Fans Pool Safely Fans
CPSC-369S Pool Safely Fans (Spanish) Pool Safely Fans (Spanish)
CPSC-374 Water Watcher Card with Lanyard 5" x 3" card with the duties of a water watcher attached to an orange lanyard.
CPSC-374S Water Watcher Cards (Spanish) 5" x 3" card with the duties of a water watcher attached to an orange lanyard. (Spanish)
CPSC-469S Doorhangers-Blue (Spanish) CO poisoning prevention tips, symptoms and what to do in the event of CO poisoning. (Spanish)

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