Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD Awareness

Virtual Walk: Step Up for PTSD Awareness

Order before May 1st for delivery for June, or download and print this 7.5 x 5.75 race bib.
What is PTSD?

This trifold brochure describes PTSD and effective treatments.
Wallet Card Sleeve

Carry your wallet cards in this orange card sleeve.
Could it Be PTSD Wallet Card

Share this card with someone you know who might have PTSD


Understanding PTSD

What is PTSD and how can PTSD treatment help? Learn about PTSD and read real stories in this 16 page, full color booklet.
Comprender el TEPT y el envejecimiento (folleto)

¿Cómo afecta el envejecimiento al TEPT? Aprenda sobre el TEPT y las opciones de tratamiento, así como algunos de los desafíos que enfrenta en el futuro como resultado del TEPT en este folleto a todo color de 16 páginas.
Understanding PTSD and Aging

How does aging affect PTSD? Learn about PTSD and treatment options, as well as some of the challenges faced in later life as a result of PTSD in this 16 page, full color booklet.
Entendiendo el TEPT y el tratamiento para el TEPT

Qué es el trastorno de estrés postraumático y cómo puede ayudar? Aprenda sobre el trastorno de estrés postraumático y cómo afecta a amigos y familiares en este folleto de 16 páginas a todo color.
Understanding PTSD: A Guide for Family and Friends

What is PTSD and how can you help? Learn about PTSD and how it effects friends and family members in this 16 page, full color booklet. 
Entendiendo el TEPT: Guia para familiares y amigos

Qué es el trastorno de estrés postraumático y cómo puede ayudar? Aprenda sobre el trastorno de estrés postraumático y cómo afecta a amigos y familiares en este folleto de 16 páginas a todo color.


How to Help Your Loved One during CPT

This brochure will help you learn what to expect and how you can support your loved one during Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) treatment.
Terapia de Procesamiento Cognitivo: ayuda durante el tratamiento

Este folleto lo ayudará a saber qué esperar y cómo puede ayudar a su ser querido durante el tratamiento de la terapia de procesamiento cognitivo (CPT, por sus siglas en inglés).
How to Help Your Loved One during PE

This brochure will help you learn what to expect and how you can support your loved one during Prolonged Exposure (PE) treatment.
Exposición prolongada: ayuda durante el tratamiento

Este folleto lo ayudará a saber qué esperar y cómo puede ayudar a su ser querido durante el tratamiento de exposición prolongada (PE).
How to Help Your Loved One During EMDR

This brochure will help you learn what to expect and how you can support your loved one during EMDR treatment.
La desensibilización y reprocesamiento del movimiento ocular (DRMO): ayuda durante el tratamiento

Este folleto le ayudará a aprender qué esperar y cómo puede apoyar a su ser querido durante el tratamiento de La desensibilización y reprocesamiento del movimiento ocular (DRMO).
Helping Your Loved One During Written Exposure Therapy (WET) Treatment

This brochure will help you learn what to expect and how you can support your loved one during Written Exposure Therapy (WET).
WET Helping During Treatment Flyer (Spanish)

Obtenga más información sobre este tratamiento cognitivo conductual efectivo a corto plazo para disminuir los síntomas del TEPT.

Decision Aid

PTSD Treatment Decision Aid Rack Card

Share this card about the PTSD Decision Aid: A web-based self-help resource to supplement treatment or reinforce skill development post-treatment.
PTSD Treatment Decision Aid Clinician's User Guide

Learn how to use this online decision aid to help your patients make informed decisions about their PTSD treatment.
Choosing the Right PTSD Treatment for you

A poster/infographic (11” x 17”) explaining how to make a decision about PTSD treatment.


What is PTSD?

A poster/infographic (11” x 17”) that describes the symptoms of PTSD.
How can PTSD Treatment Help you

How can PTSD treatment help you?
PTSD: Help for Family and Friends

What you need to know about PTSD for yourself and for your loved one. 11” x 17” poster/infographic.
Sound Familiar?

This poster/infographic (11” x 17”) illustrates possible side effects of using benzodiazepines to treat PTSD.
Things Change

This poster/infographic encourages individuals currently taking anti-anxiety drugs for their PTSD, to talk to their doctor about alternative treatment options.
Too Many Medications

his poster/infographic informs individuals who taking 3 or more medications for PTSD, TBI, or pain and are experiencing uncomfortable side effects. Tips are provided for working with their provider to reduce risks and learn about options.
How's Your Sleep?

This poster/infographic encourages individuals who have PTSD to ask their provider about a referral for CBT for Insomnia (CBT-I) if they want an alternative to taking medication to help them sleep.
How Common is PTSD

This poster describes the prevalence of PTSD in the US, worldwide, and in both Veteran and non-military populations.
Women and PTSD

This poster/infographic describes PTSD in women Veterans, including risk factors, common problems, and resources to learn about and access treatment.
8 Ways to Manage PTSD Symptoms

This flyer provides resources to help manage PTSD symptoms

Mobile Apps and Online Programs

Prescription for Behavioral Health

100 sheet 5x7 “prescription” pad for providers to share with clients about VA mobile apps and online resources
Mobile App Poster: General

This poster describes free mobile apps that provide help, education and support.
Mobile App Poster: Veterans

This poster describes free mobile apps that provide Veterans with help, education and support.
Online Programs Poster

This poster describes online programs available to help Veterans and Servicemembers.
Safety Plan Brochure Trifold 8.5X11

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure for guidance in creating a plan to help you stay safe when experiencing thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
Concussion Coach Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download.
Pain Coach Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Pain Coach Tri-Fold Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app which is created for anyone who experiences chronic pain or has any pain that disrupts their life.
Concussion Coach Tri-Fold Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app which is created for individuals who have experienced a concussion or sustained a head injury.
Veterans Wellness Path Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Veterans Wellness Path Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app for American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans that offers mental health support.
Well Within Coach Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app designed to support the mental health and well-being of women Veterans.
WellWithin Coach

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Mobile App Rack Card

This two-sided rack card (3.5” x 7”) shows icons for the mobile mental health apps from the National Center for PTSD. It can be handed out to individuals or shared in display racks.
Beyond MST Tri-Fold Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how military sexual trauma (MST) survivors can use it to move forward in their recovery and find hope.
Mobile App Bookmark

2-sided bookmark with information about VA’s mobile mental health apps
AIMS for Anger Management Tri-Fold Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app which is designed to help users cope with anger and irritability.
Couples Coach Tri-Fold Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of an app for partners who want to improve their relationship and explore new ways to connect.
COVID Coach Tri-Fold Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used to manage stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic and improve your overall well-being.
Insomnia Coach Tri-Fold Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used to learn about insomnia and improve sleep quality.
Mindfulness Coach Tri-Fold Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can help people start practicing mindfulness with just one minute per day.
PTSD Coach Tri-Fold Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used to learn about posttraumatic stress disorder and manage symptoms in the moment.
PTSD Family Coach Tri-Fold Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used to practice self-care and learn about how to support your loved one with PTSD.
VetChange Tri-Fold Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used to support stopping or cutting back on drinking alcohol.
CPT Coach

This app is designed to support people participating in Cognitive Processing Therapy with a mental health care provider.
StayQuit Coach 2.0 Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used by anyone trying to reduce or quit cigarettes, vapes, cigars or chewing tobacco.
AIMS Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Beyond MST Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
CBT-i Coach Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Couple Coach Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
COVID Coach Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
CPT Coach Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Insomnia Coach Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Mindfulness Coach Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
PTSD Coach Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
PTSD Stay Quit Coach Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
VetChange Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
PTSD Family Coach Wallet Card

Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
PTSD CBT-i Coach Brochure

Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used to learn about PTSD and an alternative to taking medication to help with sleep.
Safety Plan App Wallet Card

Wallet card to share information about the app and a QR code to download.

PTSD Consultation Program

PTSD Consultation Program Fact Sheet

Fact sheet that highlights the PTSD Consultation Program contact information, services, and available resources.

Written Exposure Therapy

Written Exposure Therapy (WET)

Learn about this effective, short-term cognitive behavioral treatment for decreasing symptoms of PTSD.


AboutFace Poster – The Right Path

AboutFace is an online video gallery of Veterans talking about living with PTSD. 11” x 17” poster.
AboutFace Post Card-Turn Your Life Around

AboutFace is an online video gallery of Veterans talking about living with PTSD. Print and mail this postcard to help spread the word.
AboutFace Postcard - Coming Home From War

AboutFace is an online video gallery of Veterans talking about living with PTSD. Print and mail this postcard to help spread the word.
AboutFace Postcard – Treatment Saved My Marriage

AboutFace is an online video gallery of Veterans talking about living with PTSD. Print and mail this postcard to help spread the word.
AboutFace Postcard - My Personality Changed

AboutFace is an online video gallery of Veterans talking about living with PTSD. Print and mail this postcard to help spread the word.
AboutFace Postcard - The Right Path

AboutFace is an online video gallery of Veterans talking about living with PTSD. Print and mail this postcard to help spread the word.
AboutFace Poster - Treatment Saved My Marriage

AboutFace is an online video gallery of Veterans talking about living with PTSD. 11” x 17” poster.
AboutFace Poster - My Personality Changed

AboutFace is an online video gallery of Veterans talking about living with PTSD. 11” x 17” poster.
AboutFace Rack Card

Hear first-hand from Veterans sharing their experiences living with PTSD. This two-sided rack card (3.5” x 8”) can be handed out to individuals or shared in display racks.
AboutFace Poster – Coming Home From War

AboutFace is an online video gallery of Veterans talking about living with PTSD. 11” x 17” poster.

Shipping Information

Please allow up to 2-3 weeks for delivery.

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