Prescription for Behavioral Health
100 sheet 5x7 “prescription” pad for providers to share with clients about VA mobile apps and online resources
Mobile App Poster: General
This poster describes free mobile apps that provide help, education and support.
Mobile App Poster: Veterans
This poster describes free mobile apps that provide Veterans with help, education and support.
Online Programs Poster
This poster describes online programs available to help Veterans and Servicemembers.
Safety Plan Brochure Trifold 8.5X11
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure for guidance in creating a plan to help you stay safe when experiencing thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
Concussion Coach Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download.
Pain Coach Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Pain Coach Tri-Fold Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app which is created for anyone who experiences chronic pain or has any pain that disrupts their life.
Concussion Coach Tri-Fold Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app which is created for individuals who have experienced a concussion or sustained a head injury.
Veterans Wellness Path Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Veterans Wellness Path Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app for American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans that offers mental health support.
Well Within Coach Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app designed to support the mental health and well-being of women Veterans.
WellWithin Coach
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Mobile App Rack Card
This two-sided rack card (3.5” x 7”) shows icons for the mobile mental health apps from the National Center for PTSD. It can be handed out to individuals or shared in display racks.
Beyond MST Tri-Fold Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how military sexual trauma (MST) survivors can use it to move forward in their recovery and find hope.
Mobile App Bookmark
2-sided bookmark with information about VA’s mobile mental health apps
AIMS for Anger Management Tri-Fold Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app which is designed to help users cope with anger and irritability.
Couples Coach Tri-Fold Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of an app for partners who want to improve their relationship and explore new ways to connect.
COVID Coach Tri-Fold Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used to manage stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic and improve your overall well-being.
Insomnia Coach Tri-Fold Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used to learn about insomnia and improve sleep quality.
Mindfulness Coach Tri-Fold Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can help people start practicing mindfulness with just one minute per day.
PTSD Coach Tri-Fold Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used to learn about posttraumatic stress disorder and manage symptoms in the moment.
PTSD Family Coach Tri-Fold Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used to practice self-care and learn about how to support your loved one with PTSD.
VetChange Tri-Fold Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used to support stopping or cutting back on drinking alcohol.
CPT Coach
This app is designed to support people participating in Cognitive Processing Therapy with a mental health care provider.
StayQuit Coach 2.0 Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used by anyone trying to reduce or quit cigarettes, vapes, cigars or chewing tobacco.
AIMS Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Beyond MST Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
CBT-i Coach Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Couple Coach Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
COVID Coach Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
CPT Coach Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Insomnia Coach Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
Mindfulness Coach Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
PTSD Coach Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
PTSD Stay Quit Coach Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
VetChange Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
PTSD Family Coach Wallet Card
Wallet card to share with information about the app and a QR code to download
PTSD CBT-i Coach Brochure
Two-sided, color-printed trifold brochure gives a brief overview of the app and how it can be used to learn about PTSD and an alternative to taking medication to help with sleep.
Safety Plan App Wallet Card
Wallet card to share information about the app and a QR code to download.